More than wine

Not only to drink the wine, but also to live it, to feel it, and to experience it with all our senses. This is the meaning of more than wine. With wine as the focal point, with stylish locations and high standards of quality with which every wine connoisseur can identify. But also including a commitment to social issues, which certainly embraces the world outside of wine.

For Leo Hillinger himself, more than wine is a way of life – his joys and his passion. But behind this also lies the powerful demand to create something special, while not losing touch with the roots. Origins should always speak from the wines, as well as from products related to wine. Because regionality and the natural way are closely connected. After all, the best will only succeed if it remains genuine. And when the courage to travel new paths is also present, it demonstrates that the grape can produce more than wine.

Growth in the
product family

So more than wine is to be experienced not only in the four Leo HILLINGER Wineshops & Bars. Or in the numerous events held at extraordinary locations. More than wine is now also present in a line of cosmetics: with HILLINGER Cosmetics, based on the beauty-power of the wine grape.

The driving force behind all these ideas is the vision of wanting to make a difference. And consistency in implementing that vision. And so there are already big plans for the near future: to create a new impulse for the region with the hotel and the World-of-Wine-Experience.