Imprint according to §24 (3) Austrian media law

Media proprietor & publisher
Leo Hillinger GmbH
Hill 1
7093 Jois
Tel.: +43 (0)2160 8317

Company registration number:
FN 210012 t

VAT # ATU52043300

Court of registry for this business
Regional court Eisenstadt

Fundamental direction
The website serves to provide information about Leo Hillinger GmbH and its services.

Corporate purpose
Wine production & trade

Responsible for content
Leo Hillinger GmbH

Photographs & website
Website of:

Sascha Wurzinger

Steppenseestudio Wolfgang Prummer

VVirtual 3D tours
Didi Speckner

Creative concept & design
Gerlinde Schmid Communications Gmbh

Technical implementation & CMS
Insyde GmbH


We continuously review and update all information that we provide on our website. Nevertheless, some information may have changed in the interim or may become outdated. For these reasons we cannot assume liability or provide any guarantee for the topicality, correctness & completeness of the information provided. We cannot assume any responsibility for the content and presentation of other websites to which reference is made by means of a link, since this information and page content are not under our control. However, should a link refer to a website that contains illegal or immoral content, we request that you inform us immediately, and we will promptly remove the offending link.

The content of this website is protected in its entirety and in part by copyright. All information on this page is the intellectual property of Leo Hillinger GmbH. The same applies to photos, graphic representations and downloads, unless another author is named. Duplication, distribution and any other use are only permitted with the prior written consent of Leo Hillinger GmbH.

For the sake of readability, gender-based forms of language are omitted; the masculine form of nouns & pronouns should always be understood to include the feminine form as well.